If you are like me, you want to get great, quality merchandise at the lowest possible cost. I love my cash back credit cards, but simply collecting rewards at face value is not maximizing your returns. Learn to maximize credit card rewards by following a methodical process you can apply to every purchase. While some … Continue reading Maximizing Your Credit Card Rewards
Category: Frugal Living
5 Easy Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
Most states require car insurance. Given that it’s an unavoidable expense unless you happen to live in Mississippi, New Hampshire, or Virginia, you might as well find ways to save. You may not realize it, but there are multiple quick and easy ways to pay less for your car insurance without necessarily changing your coverage … Continue reading 5 Easy Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
Ways to Save Money on Groceries and Food
Find the quickest ways to save money on your grocery bill. Some spending is easy to cut, but when it comes to essentials like food, your budget can use all the help it can get. Spend Less on Food Without Getting Less You don’t always have to make sacrifices to get the most out of … Continue reading Ways to Save Money on Groceries and Food
Reduce Your Restaurant Bill in Ohio – Guaranteed!
Whether you are an Ohio resident or just passing through, you may be leaving money on the table – quite literally. An unsuspecting eye may miss the line item on your bill, but Ohio is one of a fraction of states that taxes food eaten in restaurants. If you feel that it is your fiscal … Continue reading Reduce Your Restaurant Bill in Ohio – Guaranteed!